Wild about insect photography

IMG_5341_smLast week renowned insect photographer Alex Wild gave a webinar (web delivered speech) on insect photography for Entomological Society of America members.  Anyone interested in insect or macrophotography stands to get a lot out of this hour-long video.

If you’re thinking I don’t have a good enough camera to get into insect photography, the talk focuses on five principles that will help anyone with any digital camera, including a cell phone.  The principles include:

  • Keep it simple
  • Consider the light
  • The Center’s not the Center
  • Tell a Story with your lens position
  • Patience is a virtue

And lastly, something I really appreciate, he talks about dealing with uncooperative subjects.  I’ve often envied my horticulture and weed specialist colleagues whose subjects don’t run when the camera emerges. Alex shares a few tips that will help you tame those frisky insects prior to taking the shot. All in all, a worthwhile way to spend an hour.

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