Category Archives: News

Information about upcoming events, changes in the Insects in the City website, and things to check out.

The Turkestan Cockroach: An Emerging Pest in Texas

Spread in the United States The Turkestan cockroach was first noticed in the US in 1978, around the former Sharpe Army Depot in California, followed shortly after by appearances at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, and several other military bases. Researchers believe the species arrived on military equipment returning from central Asia, perhaps Afghanistan. Since then, the species has been rapidly replacing the common Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) in urban areas of the southwestern United States, thus, gaining the attention of pest management professionals and research/extension entomologists…. Read More →

The Emerald Ash Borer: A Threat to Ash Trees in the United States and Texas

Origin and Introduction to North America The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), scientifically known as Agrilus planipennis, is an invasive beetle species that has caused significant damage to ash trees across North America. The EAB is native to eastern Asia. It was unknown in North America until 2002 when it was discovered in Detroit. It is believed to have arrived accidentally in cargo imported from Asia. Since its initial detection in Michigan, the EAB has spread to at least 36 US states. The beetle is well-suited to our climate, is… Read More →

Newsletter – Pesticide Labels (Cary Sims, CEA, ANR – Angelina Co.)

Ag News Contact: Cary Sims: 936.634.6414 | Always Read the Label As spring is in full force and we spend more time outside in pastures, gardens, or other green spaces, an observant eye will notice unwanted pests. As is common, our office gets a number of calls and walk-ins about pest problems in the yard, garden, pasture, and other sites. The question is two-fold: what is it and what can I do about it? Once identified there are (typically) a few options on how to control the… Read More →

Pest Alert! White-margined burrower bug

Pest Alert! White-margined burrower bug Within one week, Extension Entomology has received insect identification requests from Districts 8 and 11 for a small, dark insect appearing by the thousands and covering structures and plants. The insect can be present in high numbers in fields, woodlands, lawns, and gardens. This is Sehirus cinctus, the white-margined burrower bug, a true bug that occasionally has outbreak years in parts of Texas. The nymphs (immature stages) have a red and black coloration, and the adults are black with a lighter tint along… Read More →

Clover Mites: Tiny Creatures, Big Impact

I have had a few individuals (homeowners and pest management professionals) reach out to me about infestations of tiny mites that are aggregating on their structures, windowsills, and even seeing them invade indoors! For most of us in Texas, we won’t ever have to battle the army of microscopic mites – known as clover mites, or brown mites. In north Texas, however, this may be a sight we are all too familiar with as the end of winter approaches and temperatures rise. The clover mite, scientifically known as… Read More →

March 2023 – Quick updates!

Howdy to our followers! My name is Bryant McDowell. I am the new Extension Program Specialist in Urban Integrated Pest Management located at the Dallas Research and Extension Center. I started my position with AgriLife in September 2022 and spent most of the Fall in new hire training and getting a feel for my new responsibilities. In addition to maintaining this webpage, I will be managing the IPM Experience House located here at the Dallas Center. This training facility is utilized to provide in-depth, hands-on learning opportunities to… Read More →

Open House November 4, 2022 to Welcome our new Entomologist

It is with much please to announce that we have hired a new entomologist for the Dallas Center.  Mr. Bryant McDowell graduated with his Master of Science in Entomology in 2019 from Texas A&M University.  His thesis: Population genetics and the colony breeding structure of the invasive tawny crazy ant, Nylanderia fulva, in Texas will allow him to help Texans with identifying ants. McDowell’s role as the Extension Program Specialist for Urban IPM will be to support the IPM Experience House by providing training classes for pest management… Read More →

Prevent the spread of oak wilt in Texas this spring

All oak trees are susceptible to oak wilt. Texans can do their part to protect oak trees from oak wilt this spring. Oak wilt is one of the deadliest tree diseases in the U.S., killing millions of oaks in 76 counties of Central, North and West Texas, but its impact can be mitigated. Prevention is key to stopping the spread of oak wilt, said Demian Gomez, Texas A&M Forest Service regional forest health coordinator. Any new wound, including from pruning, construction activities, livestock, land or cedar clearing, lawnmowers, string… Read More →

Be on the lookout for armyworms

Be on the alert for fall armyworms this fall. Higher-than-normal populations of this lawn-eating insect have been reported from many areas in Texas this past summer and we have started to see them in San Antonio and Austin areas. While fall armyworms are nothing new, according to Wizzie Brown, Extension Program Specialist for IPM in Austin, these worms started appearing in home lawns in late July to early August. Usually, infestations take place in late summer or early fall, but the weather can play a big part. The… Read More →

Bugged by Bugs we want to hear from you.

Has this year had you bugged by bugs? Like many of you even those of us who work in entomology, pest control, school maintenance, or live somewhere in Texas you have seen your fair share of insect pests this year. If you have seen more pests around your home and you have treated for those pesky pests, we would love to hear from you. This short survey we created with funding from USDA NIFA wants to know what you have seen, and if you treated for the pest… Read More →