Tag Archives: aerial spraying

Dallas gardeners perceive mixed impacts of mosquito spraying

For us who lived through the summer of 2012 in north Texas, this year might well be remembered as the “Year of the Mosquito”.  A perfect storm of weather and ecological conditions conspired this year to make it the worst year ever for West Nile virus transmission in Texas, and the second-worst year nationwide.  There were more WNV cases this summer in Dallas County (388) than any previous year (the previous worst year was 104 cases in 2006). On the other hand, for many residents of Dallas and surrounding… Read More →

Seeking your feedback on aerial spray impacts

Do you live in the aerial spray zone in Dallas County?  If so, a survey form has been developed to get your feedback on the impact of aerial spraying on the wildlife in your back yard. We are asking only those people in the AERIAL spray zone to participate in the survey (Please do not complete the survey if your neighborhood received only ground applications for mosquito control–we’re focusing only on aerial treatment zones).  Here’s how it works. You can use this Dallas County Aerial Mosquito Spraying Daily Data… Read More →