Bugged by Bugs we want to hear from you.

Has this year had you bugged by bugs?

Like many of you even those of us who work in entomology, pest control, school maintenance, or live somewhere in Texas you have seen your fair share of insect pests this year. If you have seen more pests around your home and you have treated for those pesky pests, we would love to hear from you. This short survey we created with funding from USDA NIFA wants to know what you have seen, and if you treated for the pest what did you use.  We have a few more questions about pest control options and where you live so that we can understand what is going on in regions of the country.

These days we understand there is so much information out there, but where do you go for trusted information. This survey will help researchers and specialists to develop better tools that can be used by you when you are struggling to find pest answers. For now, we do encourage you to visit our website Pests in the Homes for information regarding some of your more common pests. Or visit the National Pesticide Information Centers (NPIC) website to find your local county extension office in any state.


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