Save the date for Ento-Specialist Training

Conroe, Texas provides an excellent, insect-rich venue for Entomology Specialist training.

Conroe, Texas provides an excellent, insect-rich venue for Entomology Specialist training.

If you’re a Master Gardener or Master Naturalist with a fascination with insects, you may want to save the date for the 2015 Master Volunteer Entomology Specialist (MVES) Training.  This year’s training will be held in Conroe, Texas at the Montgomery County Extension Office, and will be organized by Harris County IPM Extension Agent, Dr. Paul Nester.

Entomology Extension Specialist training was first offered in 2003 and has run most years since.  The training is designed to provide an in-depth exposure to the world of insects.  No, this doesn’t mean some kind of trial by immersion in tubs of cockroaches!  But it does mean 4.5 days of insect-oriented field trips, lectures and hands-on insect collecting and photography.  To learn more about the training, and to see pictures of past trainings, click here.

The last time MVES training was held in Montgomery County Extension office was in 2009.  The venue proved to be an excellent spot for finding a variety of insects, especially moths and butterflies.  If you think you might be interested in participating in this years’ training, save the dates of September 28 through October 2.  Montgomery County is not currently accepting applicants for the program, but I will let you know when registration opens.  Meantime, you can always check the MVES website for updates.

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