Protect your trees from borers, water!

This summer’s high temperatures and drought have been tough on trees.  As a result, many of us will experience increased problems with tree-infesting insects like borers and possibly scales.  While insects don’t always need a devastating drought as an excuse for attacking a tree, stresses like drought increase the risk of subsequent pest damage. For this reason, this recent video from the Texas Forest Service is especially timely, and a good reminder to take care of your trees before you notice an insect problem.


Before you water your trees, check your community’s watering restrictions.  Sprinklers or unattended hoses watering around trees may not be legal on a given day.  Even with watering restrictions, however, most cities allow you to water trees with drip irrigation or soaker hoses, or by hand.  Be sure by checking your local municipal website.

If you notice unusual weeping, or small holes appearing in the bark of a favorite tree, check out the recommendations for borer control in Extension Publication B-5086.

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