Butterfly talk next Monday in Austin

Glaucopsyche lygdamusJust passing on information about an upcoming event for any Insects in the City readers in the Austin area (thanks to Peg Wallace for the heads up).  On October 25, author of the Butterflies Through Binoculars field guides, Jeff Glassberg, will be giving a presentation titled “See the USA – the Butterfly Way!”  The program will be held at the Zilker Botanical Garden Center, 2220 Barton Springs Rd., at 7:00 p.m.

Glassberg will speak about his favorite places to observe butterflies in the US.  He is the founder and president of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA), an association that promotes the conservation, knowledge and enjoyment of butterflies in the US. He is an expert on finding, identifying and photographing butterflies. His books include: Butterflies through Binoculars, The East; Butterflies Through Binoculars, The West; and A Swift Guide to the Butterflies of Mexico and Central America. There will be some books for sale at the meeting, and Jeff will be signing books.

Admission of $5 will be charged for non-members; ABF members are free.

Also for you in the Austin area on Oct 23 the Austin Butterfly forum will host a Butterfly Field Trip, starting at Zilker Botanical Garden parking lot, 9 am. We will spend the morning at the garden, then visit the Barton Creek Greenbelt. Depending on weather and interest, we plan to continue into the afternoon. Bring a sack lunch if you want to stay that long. Everyone is welcome. Members free; Non-members: $5.

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