Tag Archives: pest control

Ten top pests that can hurt your home

In a recent paper, researchers from North Carolina State University tried to estimate how many species of insect-like critters (arthropods) could be found in homes.  They intensively searched 50 North Carolina houses and looked for as many different kinds of living and dead arthropods as they could find. Altogether they identified 579 different species from 304 different families.  In fact, out of the 554 rooms scoured for the research, only 5 rooms had no detectable arthropods at all (I bet they didn’t look hard enough). It shouldn’t come as much surprise… Read More →

New bed bug publication

Got bed bugs? There’s help on the way in the form of a new AgriLife Extension fact sheet. Extension publication Ento-033, How to Select a Bed Bug Control Provider gives practical advice on what to look for when seeking professional help for these pests. Not just any pest control company will be able to provide you with the kind of service and control you need to get rid of bed bugs. This publication tells you how to interview a company, and compare different companies to make sure you… Read More →