Tag Archives: Molly Keck

Native bees need love too!

A Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert wants people to better understand and appreciate our native bee pollinators. When people see a bee in their garden, many assume it is a honeybee when, odds are, it is actually a native bee,” said Molly Keck, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist and entomologist, San Antonio. She said, in the simplest of terms, a native bee is usually any bee except a honeybee since honeybees are not native to the Americas. And while bees can look very similar or very… Read More →

Fluffy Moths Flying

You may have noticed a emergence of fluffy black colored moths flying around or flapping around on the ground. I noticed this emergence this morning and have to believe there was something in the weather that has sparked them all to emerge from their pupal cases as adults. These moths are none other than the adult form of those (maybe long forgotten) spiny caterpillars that we all dreaded this spring – the Eastern Buck Moth. Adults are fluffy and are primarily black in color. They have a white… Read More →