Tag Archives: bee books

Caring about the Other Bees

In my experience, most people like bees. Aside from the occasional bad encounter with a sting, most of us know that bees are good, and a necessary part of our spaceship-earth zoo. Recently, we’ve heard about honey bee die-offs due to a variety of problems. These stories are almost always about domesticated European honey bees, not native and wild bees.  These problems are largely cultural and have to do with sanitary bee management, not so much with ecological issues. Bees are important to agriculture and will be well… Read More →

New books on bees

If bookstores are any indication, it seems bees are getting lots of love these days.  Lots of new resources and references are available on bees.  So I thought I would share a few of the resources that I know of that might be of interest to any of you looking to expand your knowledge of these important  insects. The Bees in Your Backyard, A Guide to North America’s Bees by Joseph S. Wilson & Olivia J. Messinger Carril. Princeton Univ. Press.  I just ordered my copy, it looks… Read More →