Trees and specialty landscape plants


Roses are one of the most popular landscape shrubs today; but maintaining them well means knowing the important pest problems.

Some of our AgriLife Extension publications are designed to help gardeners with trees and other special plants.


  • Wood boring insects of trees and shrubs (B-5086). Holes in the trunks or limbs of your trees can lead to trouble.  This fact sheet shows how borers can be important pests of trees, and what you can do about them.
  • Homeowner’s Guide to Pests of Peaches, Plums and Pecans  Fruit and nut trees can be one of the most challenging, yet rewarding, specialty plants to grow. Successful fruit and nut production in backyard trees requires adhering to rigorous spray schedules, as explained here.
  • Pecan Pests in the Home Orchard  A publication focused on pest and control options for backyard pecan trees from which a nut harvest is desired.  An in-depth listing of pecan pests describes their damage, biology and control.
  • Walnut caterpillar (ENTO-041) A common caterpillar of pecan, walnut and hickory, the fuzzy, dark-striped walnut caterpillar hates to eat alone.
  • Oak leaf roller and springtime defoliation of oak trees (E-206) Several caterpillars attack oak trees.  This publication addresses those caterpillars that appear in outbreaks.
  • Tent caterpillars in trees (e-218) Tent caterpillars hide during the day in silken “nests” in the crotches of trees.  Find out what they do and how to control them when they chew your trees.
  • For other specific pests of trees, see sections on chewing and sucking insect pests.

Specialty landscape plants

  • Managing Insect Pests of Cacti and Other Succulents in Water-Efficient Landscapes  Even some of the toughest, drought tolerant plants in Texas landscapes are susceptible to arthropod attack. Learn how to identify and manage twelve insect pests that can damage your water-efficient landscape plants. There is also a chart listing water-efficient ornamentals native to Texas.
  • Lantana and Verbena: How to Combat Insect and Mite Pests Several insect and mite pests attack lantana and verbena, popular perennial flowers found in many Texas landscapes. This publication describes the most common pests and explains how to manage them.
  • Insect Pests of Roses Rose growers face a number of insect and mite pests.  This publication from Mississippi State University provides a good summary of pests of roses and current management suggestions.
  • Rose Rosette disease  Transmitted by a minute mite, rose rosette disease is spreading in Texas. This fact sheet by the Texas A&M Plant Pathology department explains your options.

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